The radish is a Brassicaceae with small size, adapted to regions with mild temperatures between 13 and 20 °C and short days. However, there are cultivars adapted to high-temperature conditions, which has allowed the cultivation of this tuberous vegetable throughout the year, even in tropical regions. The present work had as objective evaluate the agronomic performance and yield of six cultivars of radish, in Uruçuí - PI. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replicates and six cultivars. Harvest was performed according to the cycle of each cultivar. Number of leaves per plant, fresh and dry mass of shoot and root, diameter, and root length and yield were evaluated. The cultivars Margaret Queen and Crimson Gigante presented better root development, both in diameter and length, and obtained higher productivity per ha, being these two the most indicated for the region. The Sparkler cultivar was one of the ones that produced the highest fresh mass of the aerial part, but it obtained lower commercial roots yield, being the least indicated for the municipality of Uruçuí-PI.References
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