Fruticulture constitutes an important sector of the Brazilian agricultural industry. Despite technological and scientific advances, climate is still the most important variable defining crop productivity. Because of this, agroclimatic zoning should be one of the first factors to consider when starting to plant a particular crop. The objective of this work was to conduct climate risk zoning for guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Paraná river basin 3, Paraná, Brazil, using meteorological data from 43 stations collected between 1976 and 2018. The climate risk analysis was based on the climatic factors that impact the species, such as rainfall, annual water deficit, average annual temperature, coldest month temperature, and risk of frost. The findings of this study suggest that the basin has areas with a low climate risk for guava cultivation. Precipitation and water balance were sufficient under all tested scenarios. The most limiting factor for production was frost, but with risk only present during the first years of cultivation. Despite this, planting restrictions were only predicted to occur in the far west portion of the basin. Agricultural techniques that reduce the risk of frost and avoiding areas with greater frost incidences are the two most important aspects to consider to ensure greater success for guava in the region.References
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