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Phytosociology, Integrated management, HerbicidesAbstract
Chemical management and the predecessor culture directly influence the occurrence of weeds in the agricultural system. The study aimed to evaluate weed infestation in autumn-winter crops and soybean in succession desiccated with glyphosate. The design used was randomized blocks, with plots measuring 3 x 5 m, with the following treatments: 1 (brachiaria); 2 (cowpea bean); 3 (corn intercropped with brachiaria), and 4 (corn). All areas were desiccated with 2 L ha-1 of glyphosate. The weed species community changed from winter cultivation to soybean cultivation. According to the predecessor crops, absolute infestation and weed composition are modified in soybean crops. Weed diversity in corn-brachiaria intercropping areas in winter was different concerning occurrence in the same area in summer in soybean cultivation. Brachiaria and corn grown intercropped with brachiaria have lower weed diversity in soybean in succession. The corn-brachiaria intercropping integrated with the use of glyphosate reduced weed diversity in soybean. There was only one weed species in the soybean crop in which there was a corn-brachiaria intercropping as a predecessor crop.
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