Anacardium occidentale L.; Cashew nuts; Permanent crops.Abstract
Cashew farming is an activity of great economic importance for many areas of the Northeast of Brazil. In the state of Paraíba, the seventh-largest producer of cashew nuts in Brazil, a municipality of prominence in cashew culture is Jacaraú, known regionally for its production of cashew nuts. In this sense, this study aimed to analyse the productive dynamics of cashew production in Jacaraú in the period from 2001 to 2020, seeking to analyse the performance and the factors that interact in this production chain. The data were obtained from the database of the Municipal Agricultural Survey of the IBGE, from which five variables were extracted: harvested area – the percentage of the total, harvested area, quantity produced, productivity, and value of production. The cashew culture is an agricultural activity of great relevance for Jacaraú, with strong participation in the total percentage of the areas harvested with permanent crops in this municipality; however, a strong reduction in the area harvested with this crop was registered, as well as in the quantity produced. The results together show improvements in the production variables in the last two years of the period under analysis, derived mainly from improved productivity and that are a consequence of government efforts to strengthen this production chain. However, these actions need to be continuous and focus on the introduction of more productive and early materials, as well as management strategies suitable for this crop.
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