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Nitrogen, Corn, Nitrogen fixing bacteria, AzospirillumAbstract
Zea mays (corn) is one of the leading crops focused on producing food and feed for humans and animals. The use of diazotrophic bacteria such as Azospirillum brasilense demonstrates a positive effect on nitrogen availability, a primordial element for the development of this plant. This study aimed to evaluate the gain of the fresh and dry matter of shoots and roots in a corn cultivar inoculated with A. brasilense at different doses. The experiment was carried out in pots containing soil. The corn seeds, cultivar Agroceres® 5055, were inoculated with A. brasilense at doses between 100 to 250 mL 20 kg-1. It was observed that inoculation with A. brasilense positively affected fresh and dry matter gain of both shoot and roots between doses of 100-200 mL 20 kg-1 compared to the control. As for plant height in two stages, V6 and V8, there was no positive effect with the inoculant compared to the control. Azospirillum brasilense significantly affected shoot and root matter gain in the corn cultivar Agroceres® 5055, thus ensuring better development of corn plants.
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