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Harvest index, Lamiaceae, Agronomic management, Salvia hispanica L.Abstract
The nutritional benefits and functional potential of chia seeds have been highlighted in the literature. However, few studies address the planting system of the species, especially its spatial arrangement. Thus, this study proposes to evaluate chia cultivation under different spatial arrangements, aiming at its agronomic performance. The experimental design was randomized in blocks in a 3×2 factorial scheme, with three inter-row spacings (0.30, 0.45, and 0.60 m), two plant densities per linear meter (7.5 and 15 plants m−1), and four replications. Plant height, stem diameter, leaf area index, dry matter, chlorophyll index, leaf nitrogen content, panicle size, harvest index, and yield were evaluated. The evaluated spatial arrangements did not influence plant height, stem diameter, dry matter, leaf nitrogen content, panicle size, and harvest index. However, the spatial arrangement with the narrowest spacing and the highest population density was more suitable for obtaining a higher leaf area index and yield, with values of 5.96 and 2,507.44 kg ha−1, respectively. Therefore, a higher leaf area index and chia seed yield are obtained with an inter-row of 0.30 m and a population density of 15 plants m−1, that is, 500 thousand plants ha−1.
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