The use of high quality seedlings is a key factor for the success of vegetable production, and the container size and design characteristics of the containers are important determinants of seedling quality. A experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different container types on quality of cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L., cv. Aodai Melhorado). Seedlings were grown in a seedling nursery with shadow protection at 50% in different containers: (i) 128-cell trays; (ii) 64-cell trays; (iii) tubes of 120 cm3; and (iv) plastic cups of 180 cm3. The plant height, diameter, root length, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, sturdiness quotient (SQ), shoot:root dry matter ratio (SRR) and Dickson quality index (DQI) were measured at 21st days after sowing. The production of cucumber seedlings in 64-cell trays, polypropylene tubes of 120 cm3 and plastic cups of 180 cm3 resulted in the highest values for the majority of investigated traits. The tray of 128-cells results in lower quality cucumber seedlings compared to other containers. Tubes with volume of 120 cm3 and plastic cups with volume of 180 cm3 are more appropriate containers for the production of high quality cucumber seedlings. The DQI is a good indicator of the standard of quality of cucumber seedlings.
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