Initial plant growth, Seedling emergence, Desert roseAbstract
Low-cost substrates can potentially reduce production costs for ornamental plants such as Adenium obesum, popularly known as desert rose. The emergence and initial growth of desert rose in different substrates was evaluated. A randomized block design was used, with seven treatments and five replications. The treatments were sandy soil 100%; clay soil 100%; native vegetation soil 100%; sandy soil 50% + sawdust 50%; sandy soil 50% + fish farm sludge 50%; sandy soil 50% + crushed tobacco 50%; sandy soil 50% + pine bark with charcoal 50%. The fish farm sludge provided the highest emergence rate of 65%. At the end of the 180 DAS period, the SSF substrate had the highest average height, at 14.08 cm. The SSF and SPBC substrates had the highest average caudex diameter, at 32.42 mm. The SAN, NV, SSF, and SPBC substrates had the highest number of leaves parameter averages, with 41.80. Tobacco at a concentration of 50% hinders the emergence of desert rose seedlings. The substrate with a mixture of sandy soil and fish sludge provided the best development for the desert rose plants over the 180 days of evaluation.
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