Mangifera indica L, Harvest point, QualityAbstract
Determining the correct harvest time is essential for maintaining post-harvest fruit quality. The aim of the present study was to investigate the biochemical and physiological effect of three different harvest times on maintaining post-harvest quality in ‘Tommy Atkins’ mangoes from the state of Roraima, sold in markets in the city of Manaus. The treatments consisted of the different harvest times: control, harvested 90 days after anthesis; early harvest, harvested 70 days after anthesis; and late harvest, harvested 105 days after anthesis. At the end of the experimental period, mangoes harvested at 70 DAA were found to have a low carotenoid content, with the pulp unable to reach commercial maturity; the pulp had a high level of firmness, with the highest concentrations of vitamin C and phenolics, and the greatest antioxidant activity. When the mangoes were harvested at 105 DAA, the pulp had the least firmness and a sugar content very close to that of the early-harvested fruit, with lower concentrations of phenolics and vitamin C, and lower antioxidant activity. On the other hand, the fruit harvested at 90 DAA showed adequate physical resistance and acceptable results for sensory quality, functional compounds and antioxidant activity.
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