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Energy resources, Sugarcane and corn, Bioethanol, BioenergyAbstract
The economic development of a country depends on the use of energy in various processes, the use of natural sources to generate energy resources has great potential. Environmental issues such as global warming have aroused interest around the world regarding bioenergy, such as biomasses that generate a low carbon impact and are susceptible to transformation, such as sugarcane and corn. The study aims to evaluate the main energy crops and their transformation processes, as well as obtain an overview of the main bioethanol producing countries and analyze the productivity of ethanol from sugarcane and corn. Exploratory research was carried out, using published databases related to the topic and classification by relevance. It was possible to observe that the main ethanol producers in the world are the United States, using corn, and Brazil, using sugarcane and recently corn, the production of first-generation ethanol from these biomasses has different processes, where sugarcane is capable of direct fermentation, whereas corn fermentation is indirect. The production of ethanol from corn has increased in recent years in Brazil and has generated a great industrial and economic development. This concludes the importance of using biomass as a precursor of energy in the development of a country.
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