Limestone, Soil fertility, Soil pH, Base saturationAbstract
Liming positively impacts soil quality, such as increasing pH and nutrient availability. In the state of Roraima, arable soils, for the most part, are under the domain of the savannah biome, with an acidic pH and low sum of bases, conditioning agricultural use to investments in fertility correction. Thus, the study aimed to evaluate different limestone recommendation methods and their effects on the chemical characteristics of three soil classes, using corn as an indicator plant in pot cultivation. The lower doses were considered to neutralize exchangeable acidity, and the higher doses aimed at neutralizing exchangeable acidity and increasing calcium and magnesium levels. In the more clayey soil, the different doses of lime did not affect the initial production of dry matter; therefore, a method that guarantees the supply of calcium and magnesium to the crop, in addition to neutralizing the toxic forms of aluminum, is the most appropriate. In sandy soils with low buffering power, predominant in the savannah, the highest doses of limestone reduced dry matter production. In these soils, the method based on the neutralization of exchangeable aluminum was efficient in raising the pH and reducing the exchangeable Al3+, but it did not guarantee adequate levels of calcium and magnesium for the crop's needs. The results show the importance of an individualized approach in lime requirement determination for liming in Roraima soils.
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