
  • Seyyed Nosrat Mousavi Department of Biology, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran.
  • Mostafa Ebadi Department of Biology, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1123-7102
  • Mahdi Khorshidi Department of Biology, University of Damghan, Iran.
  • Hossein Hokmabadi Department of Biology, University of Damghan, Iran.‎
  • Nahid Masoudian Department of Biology, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran.




The aim of this study aimed to investigate the effect of salinity levels on physiological and biochemical properties and tuberization yield of potato, cultivar Agria, in MS culture medium. After preparation and cultivation of tuber, the lateral aerial buds were removed after a few months and cultured in MS medium. After that, healthy samples were prepared and induced at the above-mentioned salinity stress level and transferred to the culture medium. Two weeks later, an air sample was taken, and the physiological and biochemical properties studied in this study (photosynthetic pigments, proline, soluble sugars, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds, and the activity of some antioxidant enzymes) were measured. Finally, salinity stress assessment was evaluated and studied in a fluid environment. The effects of stress on different stages of seedling growth in vitro conditions and the activity of photosynthetic and enzymatic pigments were investigated using spectrophotometric measurements and in accordance with their protocols. Data analysis of variance showed that salinity reduces photosynthetic pigments and salinity to a concentration of 50 mM, it is resistant to the addition of compounds such as soluble sugars, proline and antioxidant activity but at higher concentrations (75 and 100 mM), the plant is likely to be severely damaged due to excessive growth in active oxygen species. Therefore, due to the increase in antioxidant activity, it indicates an increase in the removal of active oxygen species, this feature is often used as an indicator to increase salinity tolerance. Research on the different ecological conditions in Iran, research is needed on other potato cultivars and molecular studies.


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Como Citar

Mousavi, S. N., Ebadi, M., Khorshidi, M., Hokmabadi, H., & Masoudian, N. (2020). EFFECT OF SALINITY ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC AND ENZYMATIC ACTIVITIES AND TUBERIZATION YIELD IN THE GENOTYPE OF POTATO CULTIVAR AGRIA UNDER IN VITRO CONDITIONS. Revista De Agricultura Neotropical, 7(3), 8–19. https://doi.org/10.32404/rean.v7i3.4028