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Heterosis, Heterobeltiosis, Hybrid vigorResumo
Current study is emphasizing on the estimation of heterosis for different yield attributing traits and adaptability of tomato hybrids. It was performed in the research area of VCRP, HRI, NARC Islamabad during 2018-2019. Crossing was completed among six parents followed by line × tester. The analyzed data depicted significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) among all the characters.Due to desirable high negative heterotic values hybrids Peto-86 × Nagina and Riograndi × Roma were found suitable for breeding early maturing hybrids. For plant height maximum positive heterosis was observed in Riograndi × Nagina, for no. of cluster/plant in Naqeeb × Roma, for traits like flower cluster-1, fruit cluster-1, fruit length & width and single fruit weight in Naqeeb × Continental while for yield Riograndi × Continental showed maximum heterosis. Therefore among 9 tested hybrids Naqeeb × Continental was found to be highly preferable and recommended for utilization in different breeding programmes.
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