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Queimadas, Dendopiroconologia, Modelos de risco a incêndios, capacitação de perito ambiental


Forest fires highlight the controversy between science, legislation, and society. The historic Zero Fire policy adopted in the country and the sanctions established in the legislation, contrast with the fact that between 1985 and 2020, the areas burned in Brazil represent almost 20% of the Brazilian territory. Given the nature of the particularity of Brazilian biomes and the gaps in inspection and cultural behavior of the Brazilian population with fire, the environmental expertise, when called upon for assessments in the event of forest fires, requires the environmental expert to have specialized knowledge about the process for proving the causes of fires. The objective of this article is, therefore, to present the contributions of techniques, instruments, and institutional bases in the evaluation of the causes of forest fires that can be used in the evaluations of environmental expertise. The results point to the possibility of using different techniques to analyze the phenomenon, but this will require specific knowledge from the environmental expert in areas such as dendrogeomorphology, systems of geographic information, and environmental modeling. However, knowledge of different techniques and your ability to understand the environmental integration of variables and techniques for substantiated analysis will help to equate doubts about the nature of the process and those responsible for acts that imply disobedience of environmental legislation.

Author Biography

Karla Maria Silva de Faria, Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Universidade Federal de Goiás.


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