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Inundações, Drenagem Pluvial, Sustentabilidade Urbana, Planeamento UrbanoAbstract
In this work, we analyzed the floods that occurred in Porto - Portugal on January 7, 2023, which resulted in intense surface runoff due to heavy precipitation.To better understand the causes of these floods, we conducted a literature review. Through searches on Google Scholar and Science Direct platforms, we identified 14 relevant references, including scientific articles and master theses, that address mitigation and prevention strategies for urban flooding. These strategies involve improvements in drainage infrastructure, sustainable urban planning, early warning systems and public awareness of the risks. On January 7, 2023, the city faced a series of floods that resulted in significant material damage. The most affected areas included not only Mouzinho da Silveira Street but also Barão de Forrester Street and Clérigos Street. These regions were particularly impacted by the advancing waters, causing considerable damage and prolonging the effects of the floods in the city. The proposed strategies, such as cleaning debris from the metro works, hydrological studies and improvements in infrastructure and drainage systems, can help prevent future flooding. It is also important to make the population aware of the risk of flooding and to promote everyone's participation in defining and implementing the strategies. It is concluded that the integrated implementation of these strategies can strengthen Porto's resilience to flooding, minimizing material damage and safety risks. The adaptation of these strategies to local characteristics and the collaboration between government authorities, urban planning experts and local communities are essential to address the challenges and promote effective flood management in Porto.
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