uma breve análise do processo de hiperglobalização em Três Lagoas – MS

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Geografia de lugar nenhum, Três Lagoas, Hiperglobalização, Lugar, Não-lugar


This study was carried out with the support of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS/MEC – Brazil. Globalization produces inevitable changes in the logic of spaces, landscapes, and the social organization of individuals. In recent decades, changes in the spaces occupied by humans have intensified, reaching the most distant areas of the planet, producing a phenomenon called the Geography of Nowhere or hyperglobalization, presented by the geographer George Benko (1998), where these places, based on the globalizing capitalist logic, are presented in socio-spatial production following similar technical, architectural, and organizational patterns anywhere in the world, imposing the standardization of values and habits on the most varied identities and cultures.The approach of this study will be qualitative, having as data collection procedures documentary research through articles, narratives, and general productions on the internet, producing content analysis and association, with the objective of investigating the aspects and characteristics of the production of the urban space of Três Lagoas. The Geography of Nowhere in Três Lagoas reveals the impacts of hyperglobalization, producing standardized spaces, resulting in the loss of local identity. It is essential to rethink the relationship between globalization and cultural preservation, in order to promote sustainable development, preserving the essence of the places that configure the urban space of Três Lagoas.

Keywords: Geography of Nowhere; Três Lagoas; Hyperglobalization; Place; Non-place.

Author Biography

Danilo Paranhos Batista, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (PPGGEO) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – Campus de Três Lagoas (UFMS-CPTL). Professor Estatutário de Geografia da Secretaria de Estado da Educação de Rondônia.


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How to Cite

Paranhos Batista, D. (2024). GEOGRAFIA DE LUGAR NENHUM: uma breve análise do processo de hiperglobalização em Três Lagoas – MS. GEOFRONTER, 10, e8380.


