The vigil between literary life and death: The Case Of Shirley Jackson

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  • Gustavo Vargas Choen UFRGS


Shirley Jackson, media, literary criticism,


The objective of the present text is to help elucidate questions regarding the alleged lack of recognition and the consequent oblivion of North American writer Shirley Jackson by the critics, the media, the Academy, and the reading public, considering the events that took place since her death in 1965. In order to do so, carefully selected information is presented in order to aid in the proposed goal. These data reflect the main activities, in diverse arenas, that involve the writer and her works in recent times. These pieces of evidence are approached through an argumentative analysis and an informed commentary is made in light of new discoveries.




Como Citar

CHOEN, Gustavo Vargas. The vigil between literary life and death: The Case Of Shirley Jackson. REVELL - REVISTA DE ESTUDOS LITERÁRIOS DA UEMS, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 58–65, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jan. 2025.



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