el El color de la lengua: reflexiones sobre la resignificación de la violencia a partir de un poema de Michèle Lalonde

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In the following article we propose an analysis of Michèle Lalonde's poem "Speak White" from some contributions of the critical theories of colonialism and from the speech act theory of the American philosopher Judith Butler (1997). First, we describe how the text is inscribed as a fragment of a larger plot of an "anticolonial archive" (DE OTO, 2011). At that point, we start from the hypothesis that the poem condenses certain marks that allow us to reconstruct how violence is exercised through language in a colonial system, but also the resistances that can be opposed from literary discourses. In a second stage, we analyze discursive strategies deployed throughout the poem to disrupt the system. In that instance we sustain the hypothesis that the literary discourse deployed by Lalonde aims to create new contexts that re-signify the violence of the insult.


Author Biography

Marcelo Silva Cantoni, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Degree in Modern Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), PhD student at the same university. He has published articles and reviews in journals such as Recial, Intersticios de la cultura y la política, Heterotopías and Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana. He is the author of the book El desierto y sus silencios: imaginarios poscoloniales de nación en Argentina (2020), a work that won second place in the essay category, of the Jorge Leonidas Escudero 2019 award (San Juan). He is an assistant professor at the School of Letters (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) and a CONICET doctoral fellow. He is currently researching on the relationships between art, performance and colonialism. 



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How to Cite

SILVA CANTONI, Marcelo. el El color de la lengua: reflexiones sobre la resignificación de la violencia a partir de un poema de Michèle Lalonde. REVELL - UEMS JOURNAL OF LITERARY STUDIES, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 31, p. 11–31, 2022. DOI: 10.61389/revell.v1i31.6918. Disponível em: https://periodicosonline.uems.br/index.php/REV/article/view/6918. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.