Literature and Christianity
intertextuality dialogue in Rubem Alves’ chronicles
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Intertextuality, Literature, Christianity , Rubem Alves, Perguntaram-me se acredito em Deus (2007)Abstract
This study proposes establish intertextual relations between literature and religion, specifically, with Christianity, so that it is possible to observe a dialogue between then. From diferentes perspectives, grounded in procedures and literary methods, to interpret the fictional narrative, specifically, the chronicle, ally to influence of religious approch, is our goal. This approach is possible, once the literature assumes important function in the relations occurred by dialogue between texts, as postulate russian speculator Mikhail Bakhtin (1929). Rubem Alves’ chronicles, published in Perguntaram-me se acredito em Deus (2007) were target of this analyze. The imaginative construction, in diferent moments, in a kind of light texts, shorts and with themes relevants to the human daily, reveals to be more than affirmation or negation against by your questioning done: “Do you believe in God?”, reveals, really, before, a whole intertextual network that envolve religion, God, word, poetry, beauty, the poets and the literature. Finally, as it usually happens, were used, as theoretical contributions, Alter (2007), Barros and Fiorin (1994), Cury, Paulino and Walty (1995), among others, that judge importants.
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