
brief accounts of insurgent lives

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Autobiography, writings of the self, identity, activism, minorities


In contemporary times, the boundaries of the biographical space are becoming increasingly expanded. Within this panorama, the writings of the "self" assume a relevant role insofar as its exposure not only encompasses the revelation of intimacies and details of daily life, but also refer to themes that end up guiding the very construction of the subject's identity. In this way, talking about oneself takes on, especially in the media sphere, the contours of engagement and resistance on the part of minority segments, all of them guided by agendas that seek to protect their rights and affirm their existence.  In an attempt to combat the long-lasting marks of invisibility, different authors disseminate their personal stories, evoking painful memories, denouncing the violence they have suffered, but above all extolling the liberating and creative power of their literary and artistic productions. With its attention focused on so-called mini(auto)biographies, which are short texts written by authors with the aim of presenting a summary of their trajectories in spaces dedicated to literary dissemination, this article takes an analytical approach to samples of the narratives whose content is directly opposed to the erasures experienced by minority subjects. Based on stories published in the digital magazine Ruído Manifesto, which accompany poems, short stories and chronicles by these writers, we seek to discuss the extent to which the expressions profiled there are instruments for the survival of individuals and their respective communities.

Author Biography

Fabrício Brandão Amorim Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Mestre Letras: Linguagens e Representações na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz – Brasil. Doutorando em Letras: Linguagens e Representações na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - Brasil. ORCID iD: E-mail:


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Fabrício Brandão Amorim. Mini(auto)biographies: brief accounts of insurgent lives. REVELL - UEMS JOURNAL OF LITERARY STUDIES, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 36, p. 267–290, 2024. DOI: 10.61389/revell.v3i36.8249. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.