The cagaita is a native fruit of the cerrado, of high perishability, and for postharvest conservation of the fresh fruit, methods are used to increase its life cycle. In the present study, edible coatings are used, a technique that aims to control the loss of mass through transpiration reduces gas exchange, increases the shelf-life, improves the appearance, preserves the structural integrity and mechanical properties. The study aims to evaluate the influence of coatings based on biopolymers on the maturation of cagaita during storage. The factorial scheme 3 x 4 was used, with three treatments - without coating, polysaccharide coating and protein coating, four evaluation points - with an interval of 2 days, stored at 25 ºC. The fruits were submitted to weight loss, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, and ascorbic acid evaluations. There was no influence of the time factor in the present study, and for titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, soluble solids, and pH, there was no significant difference between treatments. Observing the content of soluble solids, the main indicator of ripeness, which varies from 5 to 7 ºBrix, it was concluded that the fruits did not ripen.References
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