The pepper crop is cultivated in all Brazilian regions,and the planting system with the arrangement of plants in the single-row prevails. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance and physiological quality of the seeds of different pepper genotypes according to the planting systems. The experiment was carried out at the Federal University of Uberlândia, in Monte Carmelo, in a randomized blocks experimental design, in a 4 x 2 factorial scheme, four genotypes (UFU-62-5M; UFU-28-1M; UFU-58-6D and UFU-5-3BD) under two planting systems (Single-row planting - SRP and Double-row planting - DRP), with four repetitions. The spacing of 0.6 m between plants and rows was used in the SRP. In the DRP, the spacing of 0.6 m between rows and 1.20 m between plants were used. Each plot was composed of six plants, the two central plants were considered for the evaluations of total production; fruit mass; fruit diameter; fruit length; electric conductivity of seeds; 1000-seeds weight; fruit production; first germination count; and chlorophyll a and b. The double-row planting had significant increases in the physiological quality of pepper seeds; thus, for seed production, this would be the best system. Because there are no differences in productivity between the systems, the double-line system would be advantageous to facilitate the harvesting and allow future mechanization.
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