This study aimed to evaluate the formation of tamarind tree seedlings in different protected environments and substrates. Five protected environments were used and substrates using combinations of different proportions of humus, cattle manure, vermiculite, and cassava stems. The environments with screens and the environments with polyethylene films were conducive to the emergence of the tamarind seedlings. All the substrates presented adequate conditions for the emergence of seedlings in these environments. The environment covered with bacuri straw was not favorable to the emergence of the tamarind seedlings. The substrates containing cattle manure provided the best conditions for emergence in the environment covered with bacuri straw. The greenhouses and the screenhouse with the aluminized screen and the substrates containing manure provided the largest number of leaves, larger plants, and larger diameters. The mixture of cassava stems and cattle manure, as well as the mixture of three or four tested materials, are conducive to the development and accumulation of biomass in tamarind seedlings. The mixture of humus with vermiculite or cassava stems is not indicated for the biomass accumulation in tamarind seedlings. Greenhouses and screens are indicated for the formation of high-quality seedlings.
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