Vigna unguiculata, Grain storage, Cowpea weevil, Biological controlAbstract
The cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) is the main post-harvest pest of the cowpea crop because it causes damage when it feeds on the grains during storage and, consequently, inflicts economic loss. Among the promising alternatives to the chemical control of the beetle in stored grains is the use of biological control by means of the parasitoid Dinarmus basalis. This parasitic relationship has been reported in several Brazilian states. This study aims to record the occurrence of this parasitoid associated with C. maculatus in stored cowpea grains in the municipality of Barra, in the São-Franciscano Valley Mesoregion of the state of Bahia. The stored grains were obtained of cowpea cultivars yield trials, conducted at the School Farm, belonging to the Federal University of Western Bahia (UFOB), located at the geographical coordinates of 11°04'53''S latitude and 43°11'08''W longitude. The experiments were installed in February 2023 and the harvests were carried out in April. The harvested grains were packed in transparent plastic bags and stored in a warehouse under ambient conditions. The presence of the parasitoid together with C. maculatus was observed during an inspection of the grains carried out in October 2023, around six months after harvest.
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