Iniciação científica e a interdisciplinaridade
o entrelugar na formação do jovem pesquisador
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Ensino Interdisciplinar, Estudante Pesquisador, ProtagonismoAbstract
This study aims to highlight the formation of the young researcher through experiences gained from scientific initiation, based on the principles and foundations of interdisciplinarity to contribute to strengthening proposals for the school context of Integrated High School [EMI] and scientific initiation at the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande campus. In addition to qualitative research and study of the syllabus of the Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science courses at EMI, a semi-structured, individual, and pre-scheduled interview was used, applied to 5 student scholarship holders nominated by the supervising professors of different research projects developed in the courses. The methodology is based on Bardin's content analysis (2020) in accordance with the interdisciplinarity issues by Fazenda (2013), which highlight the actions of a consolidated teaching-learning process based on youth protagonism. From the results, it was found that student participation in research groups, the proposal made by the professor, the division of tasks within the group, the content learned in the classroom, and the interconnection of disciplines together with the interdisciplinary concept serve as a basis for the development of teaching linked to research in a perspective of interdisciplinary practices.
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