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Tupí-Guaraní; Tenetehára; Noun Incorporation.


This article aims to lay the groundwork for future theoretical and descriptive insights into the mechanism of nominal incorporation in the Tenetehára language. This may contribute to the interlinguistic debate about nominal incorporation, studying in detail the properties of this phenomenon. I will analyze the phenomenon of nominal incorporation from three levels: the morphophonological, the syntactic and the semantic. In the morphophonological scope, it is very common that the nominal phrases are reduced when they are incorporated into the verbal root. This is evident because in order for a noun to be incorporated, it loses all its inflectional marks. In addition, often the root of the nominal heads also undergoes phonological reductions. In this sense, more complex research will be necessary in order to control what are the contexts in which such reductions may occur and which phonological rules are applied in this process. In the syntactic domain, the question has to do with what is actually incorporated, if they are heads Xos or phrases XPs. According Baker (1988, 1995, 1996, 2009) and Baker et al. (2005), the incorporation of head is what occurs. However, some nominal incorporation data in Tenetehára, namely: incorporation of two nouns, posit a problem to Baker’s theory as stipulated. Finally, in relation to the semantic level, what I have observed is that the speakers of the Tenetehára language usually point to two distinct interpretations, one for the unincorporated version and another interpretation for the incorporated version. Thus, I intend to answer which constant organization can be deduced from an apparently arbitrary paradigm of interpretation.

KEYWORDS: Tupí-Guaraní; Tenetehára; Noun Incorporation.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Campos Castro, UNICAMP

Professor visitante (pós-doutorado) no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP, Brasil).  Esta pesquisa conta com o apoio financeiro da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). Processo 2017/09615-9. E-mail para contato:


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