The hydrography of Nobres: interfaces between lexicon and environment in the toponymy of Mato Grosso

A hidrografia de Nobres: interfaces entre léxico e ambiente na toponímia de Mato Grosso

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Lexicon, Toponymy, Nobres, Mato Grosso


The activity of naming, specific to the human species, is configured as a need to delimit, reference and apprehend an extralinguistic reality. The toponym, name of place, in turn, reflects traces of the physical and socio-historical-cultural environment of a given geographic space. The toponymic sign, therefore, can be analyzed from linguistic factors such as etymology, formal structure and taxonomy. From the perspective of extralinguistic factors, traits of the physical environment such as fauna, flora, topography and social factors such as ethnic, mythological, historical and cultural influences can be considered. The toponym has, therefore, the function of naming places such as cities, neighborhoods, squares, streets, boulevards, among others, and rivers, streams, waterfalls, headwaters, mountain ranges, mountains, etc. In this context, Toponymy, a sub-area of Onomastics, has place names as its object of study. This paper discusses the results of a study of the 135 toponyms that name streams, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, waterfalls and headwaters in the municipality of Nobres in Mato Grosso in terms of taxonomy, morphological structure and language of origin (DICK, 1992) and seeks to highlight interfaces between lexicon and physical and socio-historical-cultural environment in the denomination of hydrographic accidents in the region. The study showed that, among the 135 toponyms examined, there is a significant number of names that refer to aspects of indigenous culture (Quebó, Guanadi, Borá); the idea of belonging (... of Sérgio, of Tomás); to homage to the colonizer (Nobres), to elements of material culture (Planchão, Chapéu, Pestle). As for the linguistic base, the 135 toponyms are distributed as follows: 31 (23.13%) are of indigenous origin and four (2.96%) are hybrid names with an indigenous base formant. The other 99 (73.88%) toponyms come from the vernacular language. Toponyms of indigenous origin are essentially related to fauna, flora and hydrography. Finally, note that zootoponyms and ergotoponyms represent the taxes with the highest occurrence rate in the corpus analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Soeli Bento Clementi, PPGEL-UFMS

Doutoranda em Estudos de Linguagens pela UFMS/Campo Grande. Mestre em Estudos de Linguagens e Letramentos pela UEMS/Campo Grande.

Aparecida Negri Isquerdo, UFMS

Pesquisadora Sênior na UFMS. Docente permanente nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Linguagens (FAALC) e em Letras (CPTL). Bolsista de Produtividade de Pesquisa – CNPq.


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How to Cite

Clementi, S. B., & Isquerdo, A. N. (2024). The hydrography of Nobres: interfaces between lexicon and environment in the toponymy of Mato Grosso: A hidrografia de Nobres: interfaces entre léxico e ambiente na toponímia de Mato Grosso. WEB REVISTA SOCIODIALETO, 14(42), 1–23.