Visualizações: 334





Exfiltração, Monitoramento ambiental, Recuperação, Planejamento urbano


Urban watersheds should be areas of conservation, based on effective urban planning and their sources should be environmental preservation areas, according to legislative provisions. The physical and natural specificities of these areas delimited by topography enable identifying and spatializing the origin of the water flow of a given region. Following the intention of creating actions that subsidize territorial planning in an urban basin, the analysis begins with the identification and spatialization of water origin. By allocating areas containing dense and native arboreal vegetation, the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) are determined, according to Brazil (2012). This study aims to contribute to the identification of water sources located in the Urban Watershed of Gameleira stream, in the municipality of Campo Grande-MS, highlight the importance of morphometric analysis, map surface runoff in drainage basins, and identify occupational processes. The results made it possible to classify the water sources coded in P01-GAM and P03-GAM with Attention Level 3 and the source P02-GAM with Attention Level 5. The classification shows that Attention Level 3 alerts to the need for corrective actions to correct impacts on PPAs and that Attention Level 5 is with the preserved PPAs, with the caveats for the proper maintenance of environmental systems.


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How to Cite

Bazana Barbosa, E. H., Ribeiro, V. de O., da Silva, J. L. A., Fernandes, S. S. L., Correa, N. F., Corsino , A. B., & de Siqueira, D. H. (2023). AVALIAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE AMBIENTAL DAS NASCENTES URBANAS DO CÓRREGO GAMELEIRA, CAMPO GRANDE-MS. GEOFRONTER, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.61389/geofronter.v9i1.7488



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