This study aimed to evaluate the benefits of irrigation with magnetically-treated water and replacement depths based on ETc, in plant growth and development of bell pepper grown in a protected environment in two cultivation seasons. The experiment was carried out in a protected environment, in the Centro Técnico de Irrigação (CTI), at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), in Maringá - PR. Two experiments were performed: summer (2017-2018) and winter-spring (2018). The experimental design adopted was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 3 x 2 (six treatments) with four replications in the summer season and 2 x 2 (four treatments) with six replications in the winter-spring season. The first factor consisted of water replacement depths (50, 75 and 100% of the evapotranspiration of culture (ETc) in the summer season, and 75 and 100% ETc in the winter-spring season. The second factor was the application of water with and without magnetic treatment. Characteristics of growth (plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, and dry matter of stem, leaf, total, and root) and development (first flower and first fruit) were evaluated. Results showed that there was no significant interaction between the factors for the summer season. There were only isolated effects of replacement depths, and the 100% ETc had the highest values for the growth variables, independent of water treatment. The application of magnetically-treated water provided higher accumulation of dry matter (stem, total, and root) when irrigated with 75% ETc for the winter-spring season.References
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