Precision poultry farming is related to effective monitoring of production stages and product quality. This work evaluated the influence of temperature, air humidity, and luminosity variables on chicken egg production and quality (internal and external), under uncontrolled environment and natural lighting, using precision poultry techniques. One hundred and sixty birds of Embrapa 51 line, reared in cages, were assessed with 24, 30, 50, and 70 weeks of life. Values of temperature, relative humidity, luminosity, and the samples for productivity and egg quality determination were collected in predefined locations in a poultry house belonging to IFMS, Nova Andradina/MS Campus. Spatial maps were generated using the inverse distance weighted interpolation (IDW). Environmental variables show significant correlations with production and internal/external quality parameters of chicken egg raised in uncontrolled environments. The use of spatial maps for environmental characteristics of the poultry house, production, and internal/external chicken egg quality provides better visualization of the variations and correlations among the investigated variables, assisting the process of decision-making related to appropriate management and optimization of the poultry house.
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