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Poultry, Bone development, Profitability, Economic viabilityAbstract
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of sexing on performance, carcass characteristics, bone development, and profitability of Ross® 308 AP broilers. Six hundred chicks, one day old, reared by sex separation, were used. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with three treatments composed of lots separated by sex (males, females, and mixed) and five replications. Live weight, weight gain, feed intake and conversion, carcass weight and yield, commercial cuts, edible offal, and abdominal fat were evaluated. The length, thickness, weight, and Seedor index of the long bones (tibiotarsus and femur) were measured to assess bone development. An analysis of viability (VB), productive efficiency index (PEI), and profitability was carried out. The productive performance of broilers raised in male and mixed lots was higher from 1 to 21 days compared to the productive performance of females. The broilers from the mixed lots had greater femur length than the female lot, not differing from the males. Ross® 308 AP male broilers had better performance, carcass characteristics, and most parameters related to bone development than the mixed and female lots. However, mixed lots showed higher profitability than male and female lots.
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