Phaseolus vulgaris L., Production system, Organic agricultureAbstract
Snap bean is a species widely cultivated in Goiás, in which cultivars of indeterminate growth are used in a staking system. Considering the high cost of staking and the unavailability of a workforce, there has been a demand for bush cultivars, but little is available on the market. In this sense, the present study was developed to evaluate, in 2016, under the conventional and organic cultivation systems, in Anápolis-GO, the behavior of 20 bush snap bean genotypes. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with 20 treatments and three replications. There was a significant interaction between genotypes and cultivation systems for vigor, average pod mass, number of pods per plant, and pod yield, evidencing that the types of cultivation, organic and conventional, interfered with the response of these variables. Although the Commodore Improved cultivar has excelled in pod yield in the conventional system, all genotypes were suitable for organic production. Hab 39, Improved Gold Wax, Kentucky Wonder Bush, Provider, Stringless Green, and Tendergreen genotypes are unsuitable for the conventional production system.
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