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Piper nigrum L., , Physical characterization, Chemical characterization, PiperineAbstract
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is the most widely used spice in the world. This crop has great economic importance in Brazil, especially in the North and Southeast regions. However, the variability in quality between cultivars is high. The objective of this study was to characterize black pepper from northeastern Pará available on the market and obtain an overview of its quality parameters. A total of 23 samples from black pepper cultivars/clones were evaluated for impurities and foreign matter, empty grains, density, moisture and ether extract, as established by Brazilian legislation. Additionally, the contents of total ash, protein, crude fiber and piperine were determined. Among the samples, one was outside the standard for density. The moisture contents were below the maximum limit required by the legislation, demonstrating that the drying and storage of the grains were adequate. Regarding the ether extract, 52% of the samples did not meet the commercialization standards. Concerning piperine, the Equador and Panny clones had levels greater than 5%. It was found that the nutritional composition of black pepper is influenced by the technological level of the production system. In summary, black pepper produced in northeastern Pará has variable quality.
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