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Gossypium hirsutum L., Aphis gossypii, Bemisia, IrrigationAbstract
In the cotton crop (Gossypium hirsutum L.), there is a complexity of pests that appear systematically, thus significantly reducing crop yield; and their population fluctuation is strongly influenced by meteorological conditions that result in a greater or lesser density of these insects. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the population fluctuation of insect pests with sucking feeding behavior in an area with and without irrigation in the cotton plant under second-harvest conditions. The experiment was developed at the State University of Maringá - Campus of Umuarama. In the experimental area, grid meshes of 10 × 10 m were demarcated, forming plots of 100 m², resulting in a total of 64 points in the irrigated area and 42 points in the non-irrigated area. The sampling points were demarcated in the center of each grid where three randomly selected plants were sampled. Samplings were carried out weekly, from 37 to 122 days after the emergence (DAE) of cotton, examining the aerial part of the plant, to observe the presence of aphids (Aphis gossypii), thrips (Frankliniella schultzei), and whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). The non-irrigated area provided the highest population peaks of whiteflies and thrips. On the other hand, the irrigated area had a higher incidence of aphids. However, with the increase in the population of ladybugs, the incidence of pests reduced significantly, showing the efficiency and importance of the control carried out by natural predators.
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