Fungi, Rot, Inoculation methodology, ResistanceAbstract
The search for cassava varieties resistant to fungi of the genus Fusarium has proven to be a good option for producers. To achieve this, it is essential to identify sources of resistance that allow genetic parameters to be estimated, providing useful information for breeders. The genus Fusarium is recognized as one of the main responsible for causing significant damage and economic impacts on cassava plantations globally. The present study aimed to identify, in cassava genotypes, resistance levels to F. solani using the detached root inoculation methodology. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory, and evaluations were conducted every two days after inoculation. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized with three replications consisting of a cassava root disc with or without inoculation of pathogen spore suspension. We obtained genotypes grouped as moderately susceptible and extremely susceptible, using an easy-to-execute methodology in a controlled environment in this study.
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