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Waste utilization, Seedling production, Alternative substrates, Sustainable nursery, Sugarcane bagasseAbstract
Although recognized as an excellent alternative for sustainable agriculture, Brazilian farmers have yet to fully exploit the potential of Physalis. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of sugarcane bagasse, a byproduct of the sugarcane agro-industry, and its utility as a component in substrate formulations for producing Physalis peruviana seedlings at various concentrations. Five concentrations of sugarcane bagasse (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80%) were added to the substrate for growing P. peruviana seedlings in soil, along with an addition of 10% cured cattle manure. In the initial stage (from post-germination to pre-transplanting), the following traits were assessed: stem diameter (mm), number of leaves, percentage of emerged seedlings (%), and emergence speed index (ESI). In the second stage, following transplanting, measurements included height (cm), number of leaves, stem diameter (mm), substrate pH, root system length (cm), shoot fresh and dry weights (g), soil temperature (°C), and the Dickson quality index. The inclusion of sugarcane bagasse in the substrate was beneficial for germination and seedling emergence; however, it is not indicated for the development of P. peruviana seedlings. No significant differences were observed among the treatments concerning substrate temperature and the Dickson quality index.
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