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Lettuce is considered the most produced and consumed leafy vegetable; however, it has short post-harvest life, which generates significant losses for both producers and consumers. Studies have proven the beneficial effect of silicon on fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to evaluate the influence of leaf calcium silicate application on the growth, biomass production and postharvest conservation of curly lettuce. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse at Federal Rural University of Amazonia, Parauapebas Campus / PA. It followed a completely randomized design (CRD) with five Si concentrations (0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 mg L-1) and eight repetitions, which totaled 40 plants. Plants were grown in plastic pots (capacity = 3 dm3) filled with soil classified as Red-Yellow Argisol. Different Si concentrations were applied to plant leaves, at the 20th and 27th days after transplantation (DAT). Silicon has favored the growth and development of lettuce plants, as well as reduced their post-harvest weight loss. It was possible concluding that the herein tested Si concentrations, which were applied to leaves - in the form of calcium silicate - had beneficial effect on lettuce plants.References
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