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Landscape, Anthropocene, Coevolution


The notion of landscape is much older than geographic science, and it’s linked, both in medieval European societies and in pre-colonial Amerindian society, to two distinct and complementary meanings: the sense of visual identity, of a solidary and articulated system with some degree of homogeneity, and the sense of territorial identity, a spatial unit of (re) knowledge and human management. Both senses very strongly incorporate the human action of nature transforming, an action that imposes on the man himself the condition of being transformed when transforming, configuring a dialectic and continuous process in the society-nature relationship of increasing complexity from natural landscapes to anthropocenic landscapes. These, represent a new metastate of dynamic equilibrium in the Anthropocene, where landscapes express much more a nature hybridized by culture than a biophysical system in disequilibrium. At the end, a new interpretation scheme for anthropocenic landscapes is proposed, in order to contribute to the deepening of the reflection on the role of these landscapes in the production of geographical space within the Anthropocene.

Author Biography

Adriano Figueiro, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Pós-Doutor em Geoconservação. Professor do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografa da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


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