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Clima urbano, Mudanças climáticas, Planejamento Urbano


The urban climate is a variable that affects people's daily lives and therefore influences the quality of life of the population. Thus, promoting environments with a more pleasant microclimate in cities has become an increasing demand in the face of predicted climate change scenarios. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microclimate difference between wooded squares and adjacent outdoor areas, seeking to quantify the relevance of wooded environments in improving the urban microclimate of Viçosa-MG. Through the mobile data collection methodology, simultaneous collection between environments was carried out, at times close to noon, during high temperature days. The variables temperature and relative humidity were collected by thermal stress meters. The places analyzed were: Alice Loureiro, Antônio Checker, Dr. Cristóvão Lopes de Carvalho, José Santana and Silviano Brandão. On each collection day, one of the squares was analyzed, the number of adjacent streets being variable in each situation, generating an average of 69 pairs of data. The results indicated that the air temperature was on average 5.8ºC lower in the squares in relation to the adjacent areas, while the relative humidity was 7.6 units higher. Both microclimate variables were more stable inside the squares in relation to the adjacent areas. The wooded squares contribute to the establishment of more favorable and stable microclimates in the municipality, which can help to alleviate the problems of the urban climate, concluding the relevance in considering the afforestation in the process of planning of the cities to improve the urban climate.


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