advance and consolidation of intensive agriculture in the municipality of Buriticupu/MA

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Usos da terra, Bioma Amazônico, Agronegócio


The Brazilian Amazon has been rapidly transformed by the extraction of wood, burning, pasture insertion, establishment of agricultural crops and mineral extraction. In maranhão territory, anthropic intervention resulted in the suppression of native vegetation and many other environmental problems, and in municipalities such as Buriticupu, the Amazon biome was drastically impacted. The objective of this research was to analyze changes in the Amazon biome in Buriticupu and the processes of substitution of old pasture areas by intensive agricultural crops, specific to agribusiness. For the research, the methodological procedures were the literature review, satellite analysis and field research. Images of the TM/Landsat 5, OLI/Landsat 8 sensor and IVAS (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) satellites were analyzed, from which the areas deforested and occupied by soybean fields were detected, it was found that between 1987 and 2017, an increase in exposed soils, reduced cover soils as well as native


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How to Cite

Silva Farias Filho, M., Serra , J., & Sousa Ferreira, V. G. (2023). FROM PASTO TO GRAIN: advance and consolidation of intensive agriculture in the municipality of Buriticupu/MA. GEOFRONTER, 9(1).


