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Brazil is a country with a vast heritage of water resources, unevenly distributed across its territory, with its greatest concentration in the Amazon region. In this way, monitoring water flows makes it possible to analyze liquid discharge anomalies in a given location in a river basin, allowing us to seek answers to impacts caused by changes in the drainage pattern. Consequently, flow rate data are the significant parameters in the discussion on river dynamics. This article aims to characterize the ANA hydrometeorological stations and compare flow rates in the Tocantins-Itacaiunas river plain in Marabá-PA. The methodological procedures consisted of processing hydrological data from the study area, such as flow quota measurement at the ANA Stations (Marabá and Fazenda Alegria). The results were consistent regarding the characterization of the stations and the correlation of the key curves, since the hydraulic behavior represented by the quota-flow relationship between these two stations, in principle, observed differences between the flow values of around 7.77% ( full) with 4.31% (dry). The conclusions point to a certain damming that occurs on the Itacaiunas River caused by the waters of the Tocantins that causes flooding in the river plain in this area.
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