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Vigna unguiculata (L.), Growth, Micronutriente, GrainsAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Cu doses on the development and yield of cowpea bean grains, cultivars BR3 Tracuateua and Canapu, in terms of fertility in a medium texture Oxisol in the eastern Amazon, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal Rural (UFRA), on the Capanema Campus, Pará. The experimental design was a completely randomized arrangement of 5x2 factorial, with five repetitions, where the first factor is the use of five doses (0, 10, 20, 30 and 60 mg dm-3 of Cu) having copper sulfate as a source, while the second factor is the use of cultivars BR3 Tracuateua and Canapu. Cowpea bean cultivars have different behaviors in terms of Cu requirement and cultivar BR3 Tracuateua, in general, is more responsive to Cu supply than Canapu. The estimated dose of 32.5 g kg-1 of Cu provided the maximum production of TDM of cultivar BR3 Tracuateua at in 60 days after planting.
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