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Public health is a fundamental right, an indisputable fact in the legal system, being the result of achievements arising from a history of claims as occurred with the dictatorial regime in Brazil. The present work briefly demonstrates the importance of health and its consequences, for example, in life and consequently in the dignity of the human person. It addresses the systematics involved in the interaction of man with his environment and the consequences that result from it, when he does not act ethically, morally and mainly in an honest way. It addresses the need for inspection by means of the competent bodies, regarding the application of transfers destined for the health area, as occurs in audits carried out in public accounts. It works on prioritizing the quality maintenance of the entire Brazilian Unified Health System, as it is not only about the right to health, but the roots of this right, which are the life and dignity of the human person, guaranteed to each citizen, belonging to the Democratic State of Law, base of the Federal Constitution of 1988.
Misconduct; health; public administration
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