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The environmental crisis that takes shape in the current scenario alerts us to various groups in society that are harmed directly or indirectly by the degradation of the environment. Every living being can feel the destruction of the environment, however, the purpose of this work is aimed at a specific group: women. Thus, it is important to problematize the narratives built over time, around women and environmental education, supported by the decolonial concept. From this perspective, we seek to present some reflections on the themes and dialogue between authors who address women, decoloniality and their relationships in the field of environmental education, aiming at a sustainable, fair and egalitarian society. In this sense, the path taken in
this article begins with discussions about environmental education and possible approaches to the other proposed themes, then reflections on the history of women were brought, understanding that environmental education has an important role to ponder actions that permeate different social groups and, with that, allowing the proposition of ways for a sustainable society. Finally, the approach revolves around decoloniality based on matrinarratives. And to finalize the reflections of the article, the combination of the three themes, since environmental education for sustainability has the premise of being inclusive.
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