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Macropedolito, Ensino, Solos, Educação Ambiental, Material DidáticoAbstract
The objective of this article is to demonstrate the importance of using macropedolites and other playful educational materials developed from the soils found in the municipality of Ituiutaba/MG, in order to raise awareness among the target audience and directly contribute to a change in the conception and attitude of the students, promoting experiences that can contribute to the construction of pedological knowledge. To achieve this, the methodological procedures used were: a) Research and literature review on the topic under analysis; b) Fieldwork for soil recognition and sample collection; c) Development of educational tools to make lectures more playful and interactive. The use of macropedolites during visits to the university's teaching laboratory sparked the curiosity of both students and educators who had little knowledge of the characteristics of the soils in Ituiutaba. Thus, it was possible to work on theoretical and methodological aspects of soils and bring this knowledge closer through experimentation, in which students could participate in interactive lectures and reflect on how society has been relating to nature, represented in this case by the soils. The students were able to observe the differences between the profiles of Latosols, Gleisols, and Nitosols, perform soil texture analysis on the samples, and observe colors among other features. Therefore, it is expected that the EducaSolos project can bring more students to the teaching laboratory, providing a moment of experimentation and contributing to the popularization of knowledge about the soils in the municipality of Ituiutaba/MG.
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