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This scientific research seeks to understand the relationship between neurocerebral dysfunction and violent behavior practiced by homicides, arising from the behavioral bases of the psyche, formed since pregnancy and dormant, as a “stand by” in the cognitive block shaped by psychopathies, and manifested in behaviors violent attacks by homicidal individuals considered psychopaths. Thus, from the perspective of the psycho-cognitive theories of Sigmund Freud, Cesare Lombroso and Emilio Mira Y López, we will briefly follow this trail of small, and sometimes almost imperceptible, behavioral traces of agents with deadly conduct. Thus, the search for intellectualized training and the expansion of the legal jurist's perceptual capacity in procedural analysis involving cases of crimes against life, such as homicide, emerges. In this understanding, the research will be based on concepts, methods, data and studies carried out by academics studying master's degrees at the Institute of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, in which they used as a scientific method the application of neuropsychological testing, on agents detained in a Rio de Janeiro Civil Police Station, who agreed to participate in the neuroscientific research, being considered suitable as long as they were engaged in the practice typified in article 121 of the Brazilian Penal Code - CP - Law nº 2.848/40.
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