Call for papers v.1 n.22 (2024)


Call for papers

The academic journal Language, Education and Memory (ISSN: 2237-8332) calls for the submission of papers, reviews (last five years), interviews and translations of free theme (within the scope of the journal) in continuous publication:  

_Language and Arts: Literature, Comparative Literature, Cinema, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies;

_Education: Teaching, Educational Legislation, Teacher Training, Literacy and Multiliteracies, Children Literature, among others;

_Memory Studies: (Auto)biographical studies , Diaries and Journals, Intersections between fact and fiction, critical perspectives towards oficial historiographies, Diaspora and Immigration studies, among others.   

The journal publishes texts in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Each author can submit only a text at a time. The editorial process is free of charge. The texts must follow the journal’s guidelines, available at so that the anonymity may be preserved during the double blind peer review process. Undergraduate students can send texts only in coauthorship with their advisers.

The academic journal Language, Education and Memory (ISSN: 2237-8332) is a publication of the Language and Arts courses of UEMS Campo Grande, in Brazil, since 2011. The journal is indexed in Latindex, Diadorim and in the Brazilian Journals Summary. Its Qualis (Capes) is C in Letters and Arts, and in Education.