From the essence to the reticence of Manoel De Barros
an exercise in (re)invention of the reality i inhabit
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Fiction, Reality, Manoel de BarrosAbstract
Ellipsis, represented by three consecutive dots, can indicate a pause, a suspension or the continuity of a thought. In addition, they can be used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate an idea that precedes or at the end to signal that there is an unfinished thought. Thus, in this study, Ellipsis operates as a starting point to understand the incompleteness of existence. The encounter of the poet Manoel de Barros (2010) with relevant theorists such as Antonin Artaud (2006), Guy Debord (1997) and Gilles Deleuze (1998) is created in a space of crossings and memories. Starting from autoethnography as a methodological approach, this study is motivated by a quote from Manoel de Barros that ends with an ellipsis, inviting some reflection on life as a bird's eye sketch. The aim is, therefore, to question the boundaries between fiction and reality through the lived and (re)invented experiences of a subject seeking to be a kite.
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Disponível: Acessado em 27 fev de 2024.
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