About the Journal

ISSN: 2237-8332

Focus and Scope

The Language, Education and Memory Journal is a publication of the Language and Arts courses at UEMS Campo Grande, in Brazil. Since 2011, the journal publishes papers, reviews (last five years), interviews and translations in the following areas:

_Language and Arts: Literature, Comparative Literature, Cinema, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies;

_Education: Teaching, Educational Legislation, Teacher Training, Literacy and Multiliteracies, Children Literature, among others;

_Memory Studies: (Auto)biographical studies , Diaries and Journals, Intersections between fact and fiction, critical perspectives towards oficial historiographies, Diaspora and Immigration studies, among others.

The journal is directed towards researchers of Language and Arts, Education and/or Memory Studies. Interdisciplinary texts will be welcomed, but all papers, reviews, interviews and translations that are related to at least one of the three areas metioned will be evaluated. Undergraduate students can only submit texts with their advisors. 

The journal publishes texts in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Open Science

WRLEM is aligned with open science practices and recommends the citation and referencing of data, program codes or other material used or generated during the research work.  

Peer Review Process

The originals of articles, interviews and reviews submitted to the journal are forwarded to the editorial team or guest editors for a preliminary analysis, which will consider the general editorial line or theme of the dossier. After this preliminary evaluation, the article or review must be sent incognito to the appreciation of two reviewers who are members of the Editorial Committee, Advisory Board or “ad hoc” consultants, depending on the theme of the article (DOUBLE BLIND REVIEW). If there is disagreement regarding the opinions, the article/review/interview will be sent to a third reviewer. 
The originals may be:

- Accepted in full, without restrictions; - Accepted in full, with some changes; or,

- Rejected. When there is a need for changes referring only to grammatical, spelling and normative aspects, with a view to maintaining the homogeneity of the publication, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to make the necessary changes, respecting the author's style. In other cases, the author will reformulate the text as requested by the Commission.

As soon as the text is accepted, reviewed and designed, it will be published according to the tenets of continuous publication. 

Publication Frequency

Continuous publication since May 2024.

Open Access Policy

The online journal is free and open access. Ilha do Desterro Journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. No fee is charged for the editorial process or the publication.


LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

DIADORIM -  Diretório de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras

Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras

Miguilim - Diretório das Revistas Científicas Eletrônicas Brasileiras


The journal is classified as C according to Qualis/CAPES 2017-2020.


Licença Creative Commons
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Digital Preservation Policy

The journal is hosted by UEMS Periodicals Portal to insure the preservation of its content. Backups are undergone daily.


We thank the Mato Grosso do Sul State University for the support.


The creation of the Web Language, Memory and education Journal, originally a biannual publication, is part of a project agreed upon by Jindřich memory Center and State University Trachta of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, in Brazil. The journal aimed to pay tribute to the memory of Mr Jindřich Trachta for his contribution to the history of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The journal's first edition was in the second semester of 2011, when the first eight texts were edited. There was support of Dr. Evandro Trachta of Amaral e Silva (CMJT), who contributed to the dissemination of the journal with the Czech authors. In addition, Prof. Dr. Marlon Leal Rodrigues, of UEMS, helped with the name of the magazine and the first ideas for publishing. Also, Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar Tafarello, from UNEMAT, helped with the technical part of the journal. Profª Dra. Eliane Maria de Oliveira Giacon was editor in Chief of the magazine from 2011 to 2020, with the aid of Profª Dra Iva Svolodová, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. The magazine was hosted on the website: http://www.giacon.pro.br/lem/.  And the journal remained on this address until November 2015.

 From December 2015 on, the journal was hosted on UEMS Periodicals Portal. On May 2024, Professor Olegario da Costa Maya Neto (UEMS) became editor in chief. In addition, the journal started receiving texts in continuous publication.