Loreta Valadares e a violência de gênero na ditadura militar brasileira
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Violência de gênero, Ditadura militar brasileira, Loreta ValadaresAbstract
Gender violence is performed inside the most different environments. It is expected that women must be restricted to the household space and that power must be performed only by men in patriarchal contexts,. Women who struggled against it with the aim of ridding the country from repression and silencing were imprisoned, tortured and killed in Brazilian civil military dictatorship. The violence performed consisted in humiliating and degrading the woman so that she would return to her private environment. The work Estilhaços – em tempos de luta contra a ditadura, by former activist Loreta Valadares, is used in order to analyze the gender violence that was practiced during the Brazilian military dictatorship. Readings on Gagnebin (2006), Polak (1989), Sarlo (2007) and Lerner (2019) will be made to substantiate studies on memory and will be used to understand the patriarchal context; Ferreira (1996), Rosa (2013) and Colling (1997) are used to discuss female participation in Brazilian dictatorship. It can be noticed that a specific type of violence was practiced against women because they were transgressing what society had predetermined as appropriate behavior for women during this period. Deviating from the role model was unacceptable and meant that the one who did it was a deviated woman.
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